Vasudev's visions

The pain behind Research

When researching about any topic the most important questions that are asked relate mostly to 'what' and 'why'. Later on a 'how' can be added when ideas need to be extracted into reality from the notes.

A general deep reading about a topic can be done by looking up articles, archive videos on it. When done whole heartedly, every research leads to a reflection of inner self. Everyday, everyone of us has a billion dollar idea in our head. We wake up, face problems and subconsciously direct ourselves that 'this must be like that'. A few of us try to find a solution to that by going through some articles, basic scraping stuff. Some end up applying it to their lives (~10 in 1000) and very selective ones end up applying and scaling them (~2-5 in 1000).

All of us do research. Whether we experience it consciously or not. We dig into our cognitively biased topic to a great depth (say I'm mad about Rockets and engines, someone is a swiftie). The pain comes when the idea doesn't seem to be working because inaction dried up the river once mighty full of ideas.

Reading alone is never sufficient, building upon reading definitely is. The goal of research eventually is to build something out of it. Not to write papers and be done with it. If not done for evolution, it's of no help.

Some might say I'm very good at research. Then? Did you build something out of it or did you find someone for the same? No? Then it's whimsical. Should I stop researching? No. Read until it's enough. How do I know? You will. It messes up with head. Then you can build. And then it will be a gift.

For you, for us. For all.