Vasudev's visions


I got rejected in an interview today. Had applied for an intern position in advanced ML. Prepared for every typical interview questios well. The interviewer just asked a legitimate and simple query, 'run your project on your personal machine.' I was simply stuck. In that moment I never felt more dumb.
I had uploaded all the files on github, however didn't have any dependencies and data installed to run it locally. Then he went on to ask similar for another one of my project. I panicked from this first case and wasn't able to show him this too.

All I learnt from this is how I can neglect the most simple things and how they can fuck you up later. This was legit the most basic request by any person. And you should be able to do it. But I wasn't. He later went on to say the most disrespectful line anyone has ever said to me. But that's for another day. I'm just left feeling dumb today. I'm nowhere near the slightest competition.

I'll turn the tide in 2 weeks now. It's done.