Vasudev's visions

Are you happy with yourself?

10 years down the lane, how do you see yourself? It's a question many avoid. When you truly face it, it's too late. So, if you're reading this, it's a call.
I see myself as an able father, a provider, a reliable man for my family, a mad lover, a charming musician, a playful being, a highly focused academician, a space tech builder, and much more. But above all, I see myself as a disciplined student. For it forces me to become highly productive.
On your deathbed, I'll only think of the memories I've lived. To do that, I need to earn it. I'll earn them along the way I start to get disciplined. I get clear and focused on a single thought.

It's difficult, that's why less people chase it.
Become a father, your children attach their name in front of theirs out of respect, and not tradition.